Army Strong arrived in town Monday after missing his ride in January. It was a rough first few days, new environment for him first time foster for me, but we got through and things get better each day. He crates well and does not seem to mind when I leave him alone and take the resident grey out for a walk. He still needs work on the stairs. He goes up and down just not gracefully. He looks more like he is trying to jump up them all at once, but that should get better with time a more work. He walks OK on lead. He pulls some, butI think that will get better with time. In fact I think he could easily be trained to jog with the persin walking him. He has no problem doing all his business on lead, so a fenced in yard is not manditory for him. Now his most endearing quality; he loves people. Army wants to be with you all the time, and he thinks you should pet him any time your hands are free. He walks up and moves your hand to get you to start petting and if you stop he bats at you with his paw as if to say "Your work is not done." That is all for now stay tuned for more intell on Army Strong. Oh enjoy the pictures of him being cute.