Another week hase gone by with Army Strong in our house, and he is starting to figure out home life. As the picture shows he LOVES stuffies and to play. He will get a toy and chew, chew to make it squeak. It gets a little loud sometimes but it is so much fun to watch that you just live with the noise. Along with his love of stuffies and squeakers is his enjoyment of ball chaseing. We do not have a fencedin yard, so we have not had a chance to really let him go after a ball, but he enjoys chaseing it around the livingroom when I toss the ball. We did get out on Sunday but it was
too cold to stay long. Hopfully the weather will be good next weekend, and we will get a chance to really let him run around. We did get a cute picture of him while we were out. He looks like he is laughing! Another thing that Army loves is neck rubbs and scratches. Sometimes if you get the right spot his leg gets into the action, as the video shows.
Now I need to brag about how good Army was today. We had people over doing work under the house, and I was worried that it would bother Army, but he did really well. He actually slept through the first few hours they were their. He became more interested in them after lunch when he realized they were people. Then he spent the rest of the time trying to find them. He could hear them but he could not see them. He got alittle worried by all the noise but he seem more curious then scared. Well that is all I can think of for now. Stay tuned for more pictures and information.
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